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Indigenous Awareness - Self-Guided Training
CourseFoundational course for those looking for some understanding of history, culture, and relationships with Indigenous Peoples.
Sensibilisation aux réalités autochtones : Français
CourseCe programme vise à vous sensibiliser à l’histoire et aux réalités des peuples autochtones du Canada. Il vous présente différentes perspectives ainsi que des conseils pour travailler efficacement avec les Autochtones.
Indigenous Relations - Self-Guided Training
CourseThis training is the companion course to our Indigenous Awareness training. In Indigenous Relations training, our goal is to help you move beyond awareness towards practical skills and tools that can be applied everywhere.
Relations avec les Autochtones: Français
CourseIl s’agit de la suite du cours « Sensibilisation aux réalités autochtones ». Le cours va au-delà de la sensibilisation interculturelle en vous proposant des compétences et des outils à mettre en pratique dans différentes situations.
Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® - Self-Guided Training
CourseThis course is Indigenous Awareness and Indigenous Relations in a single course. Get beyond Indigenous Awareness to practical skills and tools that can be applied everywhere!
Travailler efficacement avec les Peuples Autochtones : Français
CourseCe programme vise à vous sensibiliser à l’histoire et aux réalités des peuples autochtones du Canada, et va au-delà de la sensibilisation interculturelle en vous proposant des compétences et des outils à mettre en pratique dans différentes situations
Indigenous Consultation & Engagement - Self-Guided Training
CourseWe take our classic Indigenous cross-cultural awareness training program, Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® and get beyond Indigenous awareness to practical skills and tools that can be applied during Indigenous consultation & engagement.
Indigenous Employment: Recruitment & Retention - Self-Guided Training
CourseIn this course, you'll learn about the business case for hiring Indigenous Peoples and factors to consider in the recruitment and retention of Indigenous employees, including: cultural considerations for interviews, tips for retention and more!
How to Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples - Self-Guided Training
CourseWe have elevated our classic Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® to another level focusing on the RESPECT model and applying it specifically to the subject of negotiations with Indigenous Peoples.