CP Rail
"The oral, matter of fact delivery of this e-learning, along with the humour, varied types of visuals, fact-based information and reinforcement through quizzes is excellent." K.G.
Urban Systems
"I think every Canadian would benefit from a course like this. Especially the young generation for whom it should be a mandatory part of their school curriculum. I feel that courses such as these facilitate dialogue and may instill a more empathetic and understanding perspective on many of those whose views are shaped by anecdotal falsehoods instead of facts." C.L.
"The Indigenous Awareness Online Training course should be mandatory for every adult entering the workforce or taking post-secondary education. It's important we learn about the history of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, which is not taught nearly enough in school, and be able to share this knowledge with family, friends, and colleagues in order to have intelligent and compassion discussions regarding Indigenous Canadians. This course was very easy to digest and Bob Joseph is a great teacher." S.N.
"I took this training as someone entering a new job where I would be dealing a lot with Indigenous peoples and issues. It was a great introduction and I learned a lot of valuable information. I would definitely take another course from Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. in the future." L.
"This is a good introduction to Indigenous Awareness and should be required training for every Canadian." L.K.