Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Welcome to First Steps as an Indigenous Ally

    3. How to use this course

    4. Documenting Your Goals

    5. Growth Capsule

    6. Course Overview

    7. What Being An Indigenous Ally Means

    8. 94 Calls to Action

    1. Introduction to Social Media

    2. Best Serving Indigenous Peoples

    3. Jumping In

    4. eResources

    5. Personal & Professional Pledge of Reconciliation

    6. Tools For Discovery

    7. Find Your Representative

    8. Social Media in Recent Years

    1. Introduction to Professional Workspaces

    2. Working Effectively Scenario

    3. Feeling Intimidated

    4. Business Brawls

    5. Embrace Diversity

    6. Standing Up!

    1. Introduction to Personal Communities

    2. The Dinner Table

    3. The Big Date

    4. Keep It Going!

    1. Thank YOU!

    2. Ready to be an Ally?

    3. 5 Myths to Bust

    4. Build Your Army

    1. Sign Up For Our Newsletter

    2. Tell us what you think...

    3. Survey

About this course

  • $18.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content